Notícias para Leigos

His response to the crisis has been called genocidal more than once, and it's easy to understand why. The fine line between gross incompetence and actual malice is very blurry when it comes to Bolsonaro.

Заговорщиков, которые хотят вернуться к власти, не волнует правда – эти силы, правившие десятилетиями, только задержали развитие страны и очернили ее коррупцией и позором

Bolsonaro e generais ligados à extrema direita transformam ditadura em projeto por poder, diz historiadora francesa

All publications → 12 April 2021 Reducing public health risks associated with the sale of live wild animals of mammalian species in traditional... To reduce the public health risks associated with the sale of live wild animals for food in traditional food markets, WHO, OIE and UNEP have issued guidance.

India surpassed Brazil on Monday as the country with the second-highest total number of COVID-19 infections recorded since the beginning of the pandemic.

В то же время Болсонару смог сохранить определенный баланс сил, не сильно проиграв от перестановок. Уступив законодателям в споре за МИД, президент контратаковал, усилив свое влияние в армии с назначением Браги Нетту.

Dilma Roussefff told the Guardian: ‘We are adrift on an ocean of hunger and disease … It truly is an utterly extreme situation that we’re witnessing in Brazil.’

In June 2020, Olavo Oswaldo Eustaquio saw many of the names he initially endorsed being kicked out of the government. This caused him to start criticizing Jair Bolsonaro. Ironically, one day later, facing legal prosecution for not paying fines after losing a court case[125], Olavo asked Bolsonaro for help, which the president promptly ignored.

Освободившуюся должность Нетту занял глава секретариата правительства (также министр в правительственной иерархии) Луиз Эдуарду Рамос, который считается главным лоббистом интересов военных в правительстве Бразилии и противником «олавистов» — группы последователей радикально консервативных идей бывшего идеолога президента Олаву де Карвальо.

[48] Currently, the duo is doing their very best to make the risk of turning half the rainforest becoming an strip naked wasteland of abandoned mines a reality. And, because he's such a patriot, he wants other countries' mining companies extracting all the goods. On ecological reserves where there are no minerals to Kajuru be extracted, like the bay of Angra, he wants to turn them into Cancúns.[49]

However, Bolsonaro had already established a strong presence on social media, attracting more than 5.2 million Facebook followers and as many as one million viewers to some of his video posts.

La salida por los jefes militares agrava la crisis do Gobierno emprendida por el presidente el lunes Vacina con el cambio del 6 ministros, incluido el do Defensa

Atividades nas unidades por ensino estavam suspensas desde 4 por março devido ao agravamento da pandemia por coronavírus.

RIO Por JANEIRO — April is shaping up to be Brazil's darkest month yet in the pandemic, with hospitals struggling with a crush of patients, deaths on track for ...

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